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Seminar (PSHE & RSE)


Pupils in Years 7-10 receive off timetable seminars twice per half term, to cover the PSHE curriculum. In addition, some PSHE is delivered during formtime and assemblies. Our PSHE programme is based upon, in the first instance, the requirements of the Relationships, Sex Education, and Health Education statutory guidance (2019) and is supplemented further by topics selected from the PSHE Association’s Programme for Study Key Stages 1-5 (2020).

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Year 13

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)

Our RSE programme enshrines Catholic values relating to the importance of stable relationships, marriage and family life.  It also promotes those virtues which are essential in responding to God’s call to love others with proper respect for their dignity and the dignity of the human body.  The following virtues will be considered, explored, and promoted: faithfulness, fruitfulness, chastity, integrity, prudence, mercy, and compassion.

Three aspects of RSE - attitudes and values, knowledge and understanding, and personal and social skills are provided in three interrelated ways: the whole school/ethos dimension; a cross-curricular dimension and a specific relationships and sex curriculum.

In Science, our programme covers an introduction and exploration of the reproductive system; sex and pornography; drugs, alcohol and consent; fertility and pregnancy; contraceptives; STIs; Responsibility and abortion.

In Religious Studies the programme covers an introduction to the course and considers issues surrounding body image; why are we special?  Church teaching on sex and relationships; the benefits of Church teaching; partners and relationships; marriage and commitment; consequences – sexting, grooming, pornography, domestic abuse and the law; and saying no.

Our RSE and PSHE policies can be found in the policies section of the website.  

If any parents or carers should wish to view specific PSHE or RSE lesson content, please contact the Deputy Headteacher with responsibility for Personal Development, Mr A Breedon.