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Year Group Identity

To foster a sense of mission and purpose, each Head of Year works with their year group to create a 'Year Group Identity'. The identities are shaped on the lives of transformational saints, who lived their lives following a set of values and an ambition to make their communities better. 

Heads of Year will reference the Year Group Identity during every assembly. The pinnacle of the year is the Feast Day. On this day, the year group will celebrate Mass at The Annunciation, and then have an educational input from their year group charity and a fund and awareness raising activity. The planning for the day is led by the year group Faith in Action team. 


Year Group Saint
Year 7

St Therese of Lisieux

Doing the small things with love

Year 8

St Francis of Assisi

Care of God's creation

Year 9

St Vincent de Paul

Care of poor

Year 10

St Martin de Porres

Care for the sick

Year 11

St Josephine Bakhita

Care for the voiceless

Year 12 & 13

St Catherine of Sienna

Care for refugees